October 2018 – 10 years of Mare Nostrum
as before:
[MN] UNCLEDRAX (one of Mare Nostrum Devs)
“So in October it’ll be 10 years since we release Mare Nostrum on Steam. It was a very proud moment for us, and anyone that has release a mod or game of this (or bigger!) scale knows the amount of work and time it can be.
That said, I’m gonna see if we can wrangle up some old friends for October and play some Mare Nostrum, reminisce, tell some stories, and have a good olde time. Maybe even see if we can find our compatriots from the other mods of the day.
How about it?”
So one option is to play Mare Nostrum whole OCTOBER – 24/7 MN server up and all October FightNights in MN. Will we join in celebrating 10th Anniversary?
Do we celebrate 10 years of Mare Nostrum?
- Yes - whole October in MN (67%, 4 głosów)
- Nah - just normal weekly voting (this time for RO) (33%, 2 głosów)
Wszystkich głosów: 6
Voting ends: 30 września 2018 @ 23:59
W Październiku właśnie mija 10 lat od powstania modu Mare Nostrum – propozycja (jego Twórców) pod którą się podpiszemy – po pozytywnym przegłosowaniu – to utrzymanie serwera MN cały miesiąc (24/7) ORAZ MareNostrum’owe wszystkie październikowe piątkowe FajtNajty.
To co? Pomożecie?! :)
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