Author Topic: RMF mod  (Read 18848 times)


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RMF mod
« Reply #15 on: 01 October 2010, 00:10:21 »
Dostalem odpowiedz od koby:

It was called JPN [REAL MOD] or something like that.

They had a mutator that is almost like a full mod for the game. They posted about it on the ro forums and I think codeine has done some testing with it. If you ask him or search the forums, you can find the mutator that they use. The server is offline since few months

Czyli serwer juz nie istnieje, Koba nie wie kto byl adminem, tak wiec nie wiem czy uda sie Barcie dojsc do tego, kto moze miec owe customy.


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RMF mod
« Reply #16 on: 03 October 2010, 19:38:29 »
To była ciekawa opcja, ale jakos nikt sie nie kwapil by sie za to zabrac. Odstraszaly te chinskie znaczki:) Z tego co pamietam to bylo to gdzies na forum tripa lub