Author Topic: RO2 Beta: Patch wydany!  (Read 8955 times)

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RO2 Beta: Patch wydany!
« on: 10 September 2011, 16:54:40 »

W siedzibie firmy Tripwire na pewno nie mogą narzekać na nudę. Ekipa dniami i nocami walczy z problemami bety aby w dniu premiery wydać jak dobracowany produkt. Co nowego?

Zmieniono mapcykl ujawniająć 4 ostatnie mapy dostępne w grze: Commissar’s House, Station, Spartanovka, Pavlov’s House.

Poprawiono osiągi oraz crashe gry.

System detekcji pocisków został naprawiony.

Punkbuster oraz opcje z nim związane dostępne już w grze

Po więcej zapraszam do dalszej części news’a.

-New maps (Commissar’s House, Station, Spartanovka, Pavlov’s House)

-Client Performance Optimizations

-Client and Server crash fixes

-Improvements to hit detection

-Punkbuster Anti-Cheat can now be used by servers and is on by default

-Added enable PunkBuster setting and PunkBuster disabled warning in Server Browser

-Removed the ability to swap teams from the class select menu. Instead, there is now a button to open the team select menu. This will reduce some confusing ‘Role is taken’ messages.

-Adjustments to weapon unlocks for each class. Veteran marksman now unlock semi auto sniper rifles, veteran anti-tank now unlock satchels, and more.

-RO1 players will now get automatic bayonet upgrades for the Kar98 and Mosin rifle without needing to level these weapons first.

-Mid-game map voting will now immediately change maps if enough players vote.

-Fixed some reloading issues for weapons with stripper clips (G41, Kar98, etc)

-Fixed problems with enemy spotted from inside a tank

-Fixed occasionally seeing your dead self with no head or arms

-Fixed an exploit with cover allowing super speedy firing for rifles

-Fixed getting stuck inside geometry in some places when mantling

-Fixed glitchy camera view when rotating into a wall while prone

-Fixed an issue with map boundaries during Firefight sudden death

-Several spawning bugs squashed

-Fixed some issues with player progression

-Added sorting by column to the Server Browser

-Fixed server crashing due to Steamworks not being properly cleaned up

-Fixed server crashing when using PunkBuster UCON system

-Fixed Ranked vs. Unranked issues. It really works this time. Really Really

-Fixed some Spawning and Role Selection issues

-Fixed VOIP notifications not appearing and often crossing Public/Team channels

Video Settings menu refinement

-Added ability to cancel changes

-Exposed Ultra texture quality settings to only machines that have enough memory

-New Occlusion Culling Graphical Setting – higher setting will have less object „pop-in” but be slow (original default in previous beta), normal setting will run better but have a bit more object „pop-in” (New default). Will provide significantly better frame rates on normal setting.

-The maximum video setting a system will be assigned on startup is high.

-Added MaxAnisotropy of 16 to Ultra texture settings

-Added ‘stat perfdump’ console command to get better information about poor performance people are seeing.

-Memory Optimization for 32 bit machines.

-Fixed exploit of glowing characters on low shadow settings

-Ping now shows in the scoreboard

-Fixed binoculars not working properly when a non-standard ironsights FOV was set on rifles

-Modified network relevancy checking to reduce characters popping in

-Added the ability to enable and disable VAC for servers on the commandline (overrides what is in the ini files). To enable VAC add the switch -VACSECURED to your commandline. To disable VAC add -NOVAC to your commandline.

-Added the ability to override the automatically calculated Steam query port. Use SteamPort= on your commandline. Note: Has not been heavily tested, use at your own risk

-Fixed an issue with AI swapping positions while a player was dead and waiting to take over positions in a tank. This made it appear that some positions were „coming back to life”

-Fixed some vehicle AI bugs

-Fixed not being able to kill the hull MGer or tank gunner in the Panzer IV if they were a human player

-Created an intelligent system to grab bullet from partial clips before moving on to whole clips. This prevents you from ending up with all of your clips having just a few rounds missing.

-Fixed getting bullet whizzed by guys that are not even facing you (I.e. shooting away from you). Also fixed double replication of some hit impacts/bullet whizzes.

-Refined speedhack detection to have less false positives


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Odp: RO2 Beta: Patch wydany!
« Reply #1 on: 11 September 2011, 12:52:55 »
 Gratulacje dla testerów, pograli stwierdzili ze muszą zmienić kompy a w sprawie  gry nic nie zrobili  bo jeden wielki syf  jest , Gra fajna ale jak tak bedzie działała jak działa to  ludzi bedzie mniej niz w RO1 .


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Odp: RO2 Beta: Patch wydany!
« Reply #2 on: 11 September 2011, 13:00:20 »
Zgadzam się w pełni z poprzednim postem.

W siedzibie Tripwire nie mogą narzekać na nudę, to prawda, jak z każdym kolejnym patchem ta gra chodzi coraz gorzej, zamiast coraz lepiej.Rozumiem jakby robiła to jakaś garstka napalonych niedoświadczonych modderów, ale ci ludzie mają już za sobą pare gier, bez kitu.