NA fejsbuku RS zacytowano posta z forum TWI :
"...We've also heard the murmuring in the community with speculation about how Rising Storm will be priced. While we aren't yet ready to release the exact pricing, we will clarify something right now. We will not be throwing the current RO2 community under the bus!!! Our current plan is to allow existing RO2 owners to upgrade to Rising Storm at a significant discount compared to someone that just buys Rising Storm outright. Additionally, we will not be splinter
ing the community by keeping players separated. Servers will be able to run RO2 and Rising Storm maps back to back on the same server. Finally, while we're not quite ready to release the details of exactly how it will work, RO2 players that don't own Rising Storm won't just get booted off the server when a Rising Storm map comes up. Rather RO2 owners will be able to play Rising Storm even if they haven't purchased the add-on, likely with some limitations on weapon/class selection. So to summarize, RO2 owners will get a discount on Rising Storm, and everybody will be able to play together on the same servers!"
dla tych co nic nie rozumieją najważniejsza wiadomość - RS nie będzie najpewniej osobną grą a integralną częścią HoS tzn na jednym serverze będą na przemian mapy RS i HoS. Ci którzy nie zapłacą za RS-a kiedy przyjdzie czas w rotacji na mapę RS będą mieli ograniczony dostęp do np broni itp...