Nie wiem czy ktokolwiek z Was jeszcze gra w HoS, ale jeśli ktoś taki jest to informuję, że uruchomiono na becie nowy pacz, który zapewne nie długo zasili grę. Lista dodatków/zmian:
New Content
Added TE-Barashka for testing and player feedback
Added ROPickupFactory which lets designers place a weapon anywhere in the level, that the player can then pick up and use
Countdown Changes (work in progress)
Streamlined the victory conditions by modifying tie breaking criteria and time constraints. Removed "Objective to beat/Time to Beat".
Moving from one objective to the next is no longer so abrupt. Now it’s easier to get your bearings and see what happened.
New objective status HUD. Press tactical view to bring it up at any time.
Added Total Round Points and Total Objective Captures to scoreboard
The defenders can no longer see the manpower of the attackers
Only the attacking team can see the message "Attackers Got Reinforced"
General Gameplay
Vehicles now spawn on a separate timer from infantry. The default respawn time is 30 seconds.
Chat system refinements including grid location and team colors (Special thanks to Ducky)
Increased tip cycle time on the loading screen from 5 to 10 seconds
The closest 2 ammo supply points are now displayed on the tactical view
VOIP talk widgets now show up during round/match won screens. Also, increased the duration of round/match won.
The team select menu now indicates attackers/defenders and team ‘Full’ if no more players can join that team due to team balancing.