jeśli kogokolwiek to jeszcze interesuje : rozstrzygnięto drugi etap konkursu na mapę customową. Wyniki:
Best Original Level:
1. Winterwald by Danh Truong, winning $5,000
2. Bridges of Druzhina by Kieran Tobin, winning $2,500
3. Coldsteel by Johan van Pelt - wins $1,000
Best Remake:
1. Gumrak Station by Maik Doktor, winning $5,000
2. Stalingrad Kessel by Florian Montaut, winning $2,500
3. We actually had a tie for third place, so we doubled up the prize:
Arad 2 by John Cree, winning $1,000 AND
Rakowice by Johan van Pelt, winning $1,000!