krótki filmik z zawartością patcha, niestety transportery nie załapały się, choć w becie można już nimi pomykać

oraz spora lista zmian/dodatków (warto zwrócić uwagę na classic który zapowiada się bardzo ciekawie !) :
This is the near final changelog for the upcoming RO2/RS patch.
Multiplayer Campaign Mode made officially released and Pacific campaign added - Multiplayer Campaign Mode is an all new paradigm in multiplayer FPS games – more than just a game type, it ties the game types and individual matches together into a campaign that can last hours. This gives the multiplayer game more depth than ever before – individual matches now matter for the overall victory or loss in the MP campaign. Both sides battle it out to control territories on a large scale battle map, voting on which territories to attack, whether to attempt to take more territory, or to defend and try to grind down the enemies resources. We like to say it is like a “meta” game of Risk. MP Campaign was cut before the original launch of Red Orchestra 2 due to time constraints, but now returns with both a Stalingrad and Pacific theater campaign. You can find out more about MC here: All new level Betio. The tiny island of Betio was the scene of the heaviest fighting during the Battle of Tarawa in November 1943, the first major US amphibious offensive of the Pacific Theater. The map here recreates the push of the US 2nd Marine Division across the devastated island against their counterparts in the 6th Special Naval Landing Force (the Japanese 'Marines') as the US forces attempt to disable key tactical objectives such as naval guns and transmitter stations. The map favors desperate pitched defenses and assaults at all costs and features extensive use of destroyable objectives. So engineers get those satchel charges primed!
New Russian weapon - PPS-42 SMG. Born out of desperation during the siege of Leningrad, the PPS-42 provides the Russian's with a powerful, lightweight SMG option.
New Japanese weapon - Type 97 Sniper Rifle. More accurate, but less powerful than the existing Type 99 sniper rifle, this weapon gives the Japanese another way to reach out and touch their enemies.
Refined prone system - Players will now be able to successfully prone in many more locations
Crawling through tight spaces (e.g. trenches) is less restrictive
Japanese Type 38 rifle now gets additional ammo clips at level 3
Fixed being able to single fire a BAR with a burned-out barrel
Removed plus-one reloading for the PPSH 41
Dropping a primed grenade when killed can now award points for kills
Fixed issue where Aerial recon planes were spawning at the wrong location when team roles were reversed.
Refined Countdown game mode to prevent gameplay exploits where one team would suicide after capturing an objective to improve their chances of winning (* Special thanks to THOR's mod *)
Removed spawn protection when spawning on squad leader
Fixed being able to spawn on the other team’s MGer
Fixed M1917 firing too high
Disabled spawning on MGer when spawning on SL is disabled
Fixed spawn delay after accepting battlefield commission after a round has begun
Level Design
Took a pass through many maps to improve gameplay balance including the following maps: Apartments, Barracks, Commissars House, Mamayev Kurgan, Pavlov’s House, Red October Factory, Station, Spartanovka, Hanto, Peleliu, and Guadalcanal.
Changed allied reinforcements to 420 from 365
Changed axis reinforcements from 325 to 280
Allies respawn rate changed to 15 seconds from 25
Moved Allies last spawns to be more in line with the routes needed to defend the last objectives.
Reduced Allies respawn time by 5 seconds
Commissars House
Most objective capture times have been slightly increased
All objectives now lock after being captured
Mamayev Kurgan
Reduced Axis artillery amounts
Both team's respawn rate set to 20 seconds (Previously, Axis = 15 and Allies = 25)
Pavlov's House
Balanced artillery amounts for both teams
Decreased tank respawn rates
Added infantry/tank cover around Jan 9th Square
Added field locations for satchel charge pickups'
Both teams now only have 1 tank
Red October Factory
German spawns for the 1st objective now fall back after 3 minutes (similar to Kwajalien)
All objectives lock after being captured
All objectives capture times are slightly increased
Decreased allies respawn time from 25 seconds to 20
Increased objective capture time gradually as the map progresses - final objective capture time has been doubled
1st objective now locks after being captured
Added more aggressive spawn protection for attackers and defenders
Reduced Axis reinforcements 550 to 450
Reduced map time 25min to 20min
Increased Allied respawn time 15sec to 20 sec
Reduced Allied reinforcements 420 to 350
Reduced Axis respawn time 25 sec to 20 sec
Reduced Axis reinforcements 610 to 510
Increased Allied reinforcements 530 to 550
Increased Axis respawn timer 15 sec to 20 sec
Decreased Allied spawn timer 25 sec to 20 sec
Classic Mode
Changed Classic Mode weapons handling. Sway is significantly higher when you first go into ironsights, then ramps down shortly afterwards, then climbs back up a bit if you stay in iron sights (but not as high as when first going into iron sights)
Added a new recoil modifier for weapon handling. Many weapons have more recoil with Classic mode weapon handling now.
Many weapons have had their sway/jitter values tweaked for Classic weapons handling
Increased base run speed of players in Classic mode. It now matches the realism default run speed
In Classic Mode you can now use your iron sights key to stop sprinting and start a transition to ironsights. The transition to iron sights when coming out of sprint is now much longer than normal iron sights transitions however
Sway will reset when transitioning to/from crouched so you get more sway when you have just changed stances.
Fixed some Classic mode weapon handling properties not working online
User Interface
Fixed satchel objective icons not being reset in the next round
The unit select screen now remembers the previously selected weapon and weapon level
Added a cancel reload hint
Added “Enter” key input on spawn select screen
Increased scroll speed in role selection squad view
Fixed WebAdmin incorrectly stating that spawn on squad leader would un-rank your server
Game will now alternate between RS menu music and RO 2 menu music
Eyefinity/nVidia Surround support in 3x1 Landscape and 5x1 Landscape (5x1 Portrait not currently supported). Menus and HUD correctly resize and relocate to the center monitor
Various additions to WebAdmin
Fixed a memory leak which was crashing/restarting servers
Fixed kill messages not displaying for demorecs
Fixed several game crashes and added additional logging for several others
Implement extensive functionality to support the vehicle mod team’s work on adding new vehicles to the game including base transport functionality, and transport vehicle spawning functionality
Added mutator hook for ROGameInfo::PreLogin