Author Topic: wtf votes  (Read 47716 times)

Offline PatzeAUT

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wtf votes
« on: 15 June 2017, 18:56:17 »
I dont know where to post this, because everything is on polish. I just post it here.

I dont know whats wrong with the voting system, but something's wrong.

When you look at the fightnight History : DH, Savvs, DH, Savvs.....
And all these votes for that come on the last day all of a sudden.

This really bothers me and therefore i will skip tomorrows fightnight.

Sincerly -PatzeAUT
« Last Edit: 10 July 2018, 17:20:12 by PatzeAUT »

Offline csMKJP

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Re: wtf votes
« Reply #1 on: 15 June 2017, 20:29:00 »
I would prefer a cycle.

Month 1: RO MN DH CC
Month 2: Savv MN DH RotT
Month 3: RO MN DH CC

Offline BartBear_[PL]

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Re: wtf votes
« Reply #2 on: 15 June 2017, 20:36:27 »
Haha good one  :police: I'd boycott it as well with you but wait...would there be "official" video then...ahh so no I just have to be there  :o

But seriously - the VOTING TIME differs only a few hours per week - it depends how early I can make another poll / announcements for you (I'm a working person and this is only my hobby), but generally you can say that the poll is open from Thursday evening to Wednesday 23:59:59 CET.

Have you seen the "huge" amount of players participating in it?! ???
agenda of 3 organized colleagues can make the poll results and often this is the case - it can be made at 22:00 CET on Wednesday evening f.e. on Mumble, when one says "hey guys have you voted for FN yet? No? So what we'll play? (put the correct one on agreement)? Ok - let's do it!

I'm checking IP of votes to make sure no one votes from doubled accounts - what is against our site rules and all the times it were not the case, sorry no conspiracy here  :P
Just do the same - organize (you have your "Steam Friends") - choose what you want and vote as a group! I want to see more than 10 entrants each time!

Offline Rozumny(PL)

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Re: wtf votes
« Reply #3 on: 15 June 2017, 20:58:38 »
Man I understand You (even if you are famous "austrian" painter fellow countryman ). They always play DH when I have free weekend. My favourite CC and RO are never when I want them  :'(.

And where are achievements!?
"Każdy pocisk jeden Niemiec!"

Offline Savv

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Re: wtf votes
« Reply #4 on: 15 June 2017, 22:54:35 »
all these votes
Yeah, all 2 of them. The horror! Must be a hell of a botnet involved.

I typically log in to see which way the vote is tipping on the last day or close to the end of the vote.
When I voted this time, the top options were RoTT (2) and Savv’s (2). I voted for Savv’s and apparently someone else did too, a bit later. Does that really qualify as “wrong”?

There’s one guy how seems to always vote for Savv’s right off the bat. I don’t know who that is. As far as I’m aware, none of my Russian friends vote (maybe 1 does, but we never discuss it). I rarely vote, because I like all the available options, apart from RO (because you can play the stock maps on the [RO.RU]&[TG] server any day of the week) and RoTT (but even that is pretty good now that the walking corpses bug is gone).

In conclusion, if you don’t like the results, get one or more of your friends to register and vote.

Offline .Reflected.

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Re: wtf votes
« Reply #5 on: 20 June 2017, 14:02:36 »
Actually I have instantly voted on SAVVs maps xD
As everything is new to me in this game, and actually I have enjoyed playing those custom maps last time.
I have no idea how to install the ROtT either, when i download bartbears .zip file and run the says that RO1 cannot be found, and kind of end of story.
I would be happy if we would play more mare nostrum, but not so focused on tanks as I cannot drive verhicles really xD
Or please help me get the ROtT to work'!

Offline BartBear_[PL]

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Re: wtf votes
« Reply #6 on: 20 June 2017, 20:09:10 »
Or please help me get the ROtT to work'!

This is not the thread for it, but pointing out that all answers are around there would rather multiply questions than be (a good) answer.
So ok - RotT can be downloaded to your "cache" folder directly from server and it depends on your internet speed. Normally the files stay there for 30 days and this time can be set in .ini file (or even you can set there they will last "forever") - but if you want (just) to speed up connection you can install this mod on "hard" by using the installer from
In case it can't find the right spot for install (some registry entries in your system are broken or missing) you need to point manually the right path for installer.
You should end the line with this directory level: \Steam\steamapps\common\
In opposite Carpathian Crosses mod is mandatory to be installed (or you have black textures problem). Link here:
in case like above (when auto install doesn't work):

(as above) -first part to your Steam folder- \Steam\steamapps\common\
Then you need to EDIT (via Notepad or other text editor) the file RedOrchestra.ini (in System folder of the game)- find [Core.System] section and add after its last line those extra lines  and save it (by overwriting existing one) so after all modifications should looks like mine (the line order is irrelevant, but all of that should be in yours):

« Last Edit: 20 June 2017, 20:12:16 by BartBear_[PL] »

Offline as123as

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Re: wtf votes
« Reply #7 on: 22 June 2017, 20:12:09 »

I'm sorry for all this confusion, but this has been me "as123as" who seeing RotT or CC was going to win (and most players are absent in those mods later) being those "common movements" done for gaining more votes for mods which pull in(in my opinion) more players in game.


Przepraszam za te całe zamieszanie, ale to ja "as123as" widząc, że wygrywa RoT lub CC, na które to mody nikt potem nie przychodzi
organizowałem " pospolite ruszenie", żeby głosowali na mod na który przyjdzie więcej, według mnie, graczy.
« Last Edit: 23 June 2017, 13:36:55 by BartBear_[PL] »