Jest na to pewien sposób. Powinien pomóc. Ale nic nie obiecuje. Przy tej ilości ramu wczytywanie nie będzie za szybkie
Error: Red Orchestra takes a long time loading maps
We are looking into the over all cause of this however you may do the following to attempt to improve your load times.
1) Find your Redorchestra.ini file located in the steam/steamapps/yournamehere/redorchestra/system folder (hint it looks like a notpad icon with a cog)
2) Change the cache size to better match your ram size
Listed under [Engine.GameEngine].
256 Megabytes of RAM or less
512 Megabytes of RAM
768 Megabytes of RAM
1 Gigabyte of RAM or more
Fix2: Turn of PreCaching
Also in your redorchestra.ini under [ALAudio.ALAudioSubsystem]
Change UsePrecache=True to UsePrecache=False
and under [Engine.LevelInfo]
Change bNeverPrecache=false to bNeverPrecache=true
and under [Engine.NullRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False
and under [D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False
and under [D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False
and under [OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False
and under [PixoDrv.PixoRenderDevice]
Change UsePrecaching=True to UsePrecaching=False