Author Topic: jak zainstalować mutator Armored Beasts ?  (Read 12638 times)


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jak zainstalować mutator Armored Beasts ?
« on: 04 January 2007, 17:18:12 »
znalazłem cos takiego Armored Beasts Beta 1.1 zwiększającego realizm (T34 nie niszczy Tygrysów z 500m w płytę czołową i kilka innych urealnień).
Niestety w pakiecie zip ani w wątku nie ma jak to zainstalować ...
Wgranie do \system niestety nie zaowocowało sukcesem uruchomienia ...
ma może ktoś wiedzę na temat jak to zainstalować ?

Offline _KaszpiR_

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jak zainstalować mutator Armored Beasts ?
« Reply #1 on: 05 January 2007, 00:37:51 »
edit: przeczytaj to

mam tłumaczyc na polski?
bo jesli tak to nie mam zamiaru ci tlumaczyc jak sie stawia serwer itd bo angieslki to podstawa przy takiej zabawie.


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jak zainstalować mutator Armored Beasts ?
« Reply #2 on: 05 January 2007, 09:59:28 »
wystarczy :)
no i nie wystarczy :(
Quote from: _KaszpiR_
I took me a while to figure this out - it occurs the mod requres files that are not in the package.

Installation guide:

0. You MAY (but not requred) need the WebAdmin Mutator enabled - it is described in the sticky posts in the Dedicated server forums section.

If you don't have it, no problem (but i will not expalin it here) but you are allready missing REALLY easy admin panel. Moreover, if you do not have it running, then you cannot say you managed to set up server properly

1. First download a map Black Day in July

- get the .zip file

- unpack it keeping diretory structure

- upload files to the game server keeping directory structure (so thath contets of the Maps will go to server's Maps diretcory and so on)

- you can add map to the mapcycle
nie wiem po co, ale ok, U are in charge. :) :D
Quote from: _KaszpiR_
2. download .zip of the mutator - that is a link in the first post of this thread - in example

3. unpack the downloaded file somwhere on your hdd and read the unpacked Readme.txt file for more detailed instructions

hmmm ... plik readme.txt nie jest zbyt bogaty ...
Code: [Select]
By Sichartshofen and mat69

- Added skin support for BlackDayJuly
- Included AB version of Barashka that gives the Russians a numerical advantage in tanks
Quote from: _KaszpiR_
4. upload .rom file to server Maps/ directory (where other .rom files are...)

5. upload .u and .ucl files to the server System/ directory

6. turn off your game server, and start it again

7. after map load go to admin panel of your server

8. from the top menu choose Current

9. from the menu from left that just appeared choose Mutators

do tego miejsca jest ok ...
ale niestety na liście mutatorów nie ma ani jednego mutatora ... :/ :con
jakieś inne pomysły ?
serwer został zainstalowany/uruchomiony z użyciem narzędzia HDSLUpdateTool for Windows
wygląda, że jest uaktualniony
Quote from: _KaszpiR_
10. on the middle of the screen you should see your mutator name, the checkboxes and the name of ArmoredBeasts

11. select checkbox near the ArmoredBeasts and press the Set Selected Mutators button

12. your mutator should be displayed now on the top of the page among other mutators (if they exist), and the checkbox should be selected

13. now go to the left menu and click Current Game

14. from the menu choose map and press Switch, wait a few moments, the server changes the map.

15. okay, server should be back online now, just to make sure that everything is allright go again to Mutators

16. check if the checkbox is still selected - if yes, then mutator is working rpoperly, otherwise something is wrong and you will have to manually see the server logs for error messages that may help to figure out the problem

17. enyoy and start tweaking (but pleas make backups)

Offline _KaszpiR_

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jak zainstalować mutator Armored Beasts ?
« Reply #3 on: 05 January 2007, 17:48:59 »
1. chodzi o to ze musisz miec na serwerze pliki z mapy black day in july, zawiera ona parenascie potrzebnych tekstur
2. plik readma tam jest chyba przez pomylke :D
3. instalowalem na linuksie, nie wiem jak na windows, moze zmien mape albo zrestartuj serwer po wrzuceniu mutatora na server

jak znajde czas w weekend to sprawdze na windows.


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jak zainstalować mutator Armored Beasts ?
« Reply #4 on: 05 January 2007, 17:54:43 »
aha, nie wiem czy to ma znaczenie ale serwer RO jest zainstalowany nie domyślnie tylko w innym katalogu.
użyłem hldsupdatetool.exe z następującymi parametrami:
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files\steam\RO\server>hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game redorchestra -dir "C:\Program Files\steam\RO\server" -username ******* -password ******
w efekcie katalogi serwera mam w C:\Program Files\steam\RO\server\