Author Topic: pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls  (Read 13827 times)


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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« on: 06 March 2007, 15:15:59 »
My mlady klan, mame server,          KRUTUS  1.SVK.........  nas problem jest, co xfire newidi jego, server not responding. Pls help me, kde jest problem?
Mozes pisat jak polsky, tak english

Offline _KaszpiR_

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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« Reply #1 on: 06 March 2007, 22:06:46 »
heh, nice to see people from another countries.
check if any firewall is not blocking ports to the server
and if behind a router, then forward ports to the machine that runs the server

 KRUTUS 1st SVK clan server::WELCOME all players! (, 0/22, RO-Arad
hmm, works, notice that usually it will not show the status if you host it on your own machine - the 'no response' when you are checking your own machine sepecially behind a router is a common issue.

also try to enter ip port, and not just ip.


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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« Reply #2 on: 07 March 2007, 07:14:25 »
:yes Wow,  quite impressing! A polish forum known abroad and visited by foreign RO players; nice! And this is really good news - new RO server running in our part of Europe.
Is your serv open or locked all the time? Do you have Armored Beasts mutator installed & working? Is the Slovakian RO community big?


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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« Reply #3 on: 07 March 2007, 11:14:33 »
_KaszpiR_ :
heh, nice to see people from another countries.
check if any firewall is not blocking ports to the server
and if behind a router, then forward ports to the machine that runs the server

 KRUTUS 1st SVK clan server::WELCOME all players! (, 0/22, RO-Arad
hmm, works, notice that usually it will not show the status if you host it on your own machine - the 'no response' when you are checking your own machine sepecially behind a router is a common issue.

also try to enter ip port, and not just ip.

Thx for you answer, I am setting fwall port 7757 also for tcp, no only utp, and xfire now allowed joint our server. Before no. But allways xfire declare 'no response'. Sorry for my english.


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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« Reply #4 on: 07 March 2007, 11:17:57 »
Btw na poskich serwerach i na tym forum jest  przynajmniej jeden kamarát (mam nadzieje ze to dobre slowo) ze Slowacji


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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« Reply #5 on: 07 March 2007, 11:27:55 »
Wrona :
:yes Wow,  quite impressing! A polish forum known abroad and visited by foreign RO players; nice! And this is really good news - new RO server running in our part of Europe.
Is your serv open or locked all the time? Do you have Armored Beasts mutator installed & working? Is the Slovakian RO community big?

Our server is many time open for players. Only for matches, trainings and private sessions, is close. Our server is in experimental runnig, we will testing line for pings and later buy new machine. SVK ROcommunity is very small, Slovak republic have only 5 mil. residents. Polish have 40 mil.? We have only one clan - /KRUTUS/. thx for you interest. :-D
PS: Sorry for my english.:-D

Offline _KaszpiR_

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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« Reply #6 on: 07 March 2007, 11:37:47 »
you really do not have to say sorry for you english :D
hmm i do not use xfire, but if there are responses from other programs like HLSW or irc server status check, then maybe this is a problem with xfire itself.


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pomogajte clanu zo Slovenska se serverem,pls
« Reply #7 on: 07 March 2007, 12:48:39 »
PrezesOi :
Btw na poskich serwerach i na tym forum jest  przynajmniej jeden kamarát (mam nadzieje ze to dobre slowo) ze Slowacji

Dobre dobre slowo :-D